Appenzeller Spitzhauben
Silver Spangled Created by EweSheep
Breed Information, Comments, and Experience with breed:

Very attractive, gentle and not flighty like Leghorns. Not broody at most cases. Lays white medium eggs and lays well. Adapt to cold and hot weather well but frozen wattles can be expected in matured roosters and hens. V combs and "mohawk" crests bent forward, NOT back or sideways and certainly no Polish crests allowed in showing or breeding. They tolerate coop and pen confinements but not cage confined unless they are chicks or recovery periods. This breed is one of my favorites of all the white egg layers and would not hesitate anyone to get one or a flock for themselves. This is a fairly new breed, alot of work needed to be done to improve the spangles and crescents on tip of feathers and the crests as well. They were originally from Switzerland and the breed almost died out when diseases and WWII broke out. With dedicated breeders in UK and USA, they are slowly making a comeback. The first USA importer of Spitzhaubens was Dr. McGraw and he was responsible for keeping the flock intact for many years before his death. Once you get your Spitzhauben chicks, it will take a while for them to mature and to be close to the ideal standard of Spitzhaubens, you would need to cull HARD to get the quality you need to reach your goal. There are several breeders out there that are working on it and doing well getting close to the standard of perfection of Spitzhaubens. Try one! You won't stop with ONE!




Description / Information



10 to 15 days old Spitz chicks from Julie Gabbard's stock and Carla OK's stock.​



120 to 130 days old Spitz flock from Carla Ok's stock and Ideal Hatchery stock.​



This is one of the Spitz hen that was from Ideal Hatchery. Out of the original 25 Spitz chicks, I culled HARD, keeping 3 pullets and gave the rest of them to a pet home due to improper feather pattern and faulty crests.​