@lynneb and I decided that we would like to have a flock and some wonderful fresh eggs. So the journey started. Days and days looking at coop designs on the web. We finally settled on the Garden Coop design http://www.thegardencoop.com/. Plans looked pretty good and it turned out that we could easily add modifications. The journey begins:

We started with a stack of wood and 3 7/16" sheets of OSB. Turns out some assembly is required.

The walls were built in the back yard.

As the walls were finished I staged them under the Fig Trees where the coop would be.

Next step was to start joining the walls and to level the coop.
Here is the frame with the roof on.

Then we started to rough in the coop building

We modified the next step since our soil is mostly hardpan and
very hard to dig. We created a trench 10" deep and put hardware
cloth to stop anyone who wants to dig under the coop.

Then we stared making a couple of small modifications.
Two roosts and another level to create a bit more space.

Next was a ladder.

We added external nesting boxes and covered the floor with
vinyl tile squares.

Then a layer of pine shavings

Now a tour of the finished product.

The finished full coop view

The flock

Pita Pinta - Abigail, Bella, Carmen
Sicilian Buttercup - Fiona
Cuccoo Maran - Dharma
Golden Wyandotte - Eva