How do I find a lost guinea keet? Help


In the Brooder
Mar 7, 2015
East Tennessee
My two guinea keets are 27 days old and till today I kept them in a small wire cage and put them outside on the ground in another wire cage during the daytime. Today I put them in a larger wire frame and while mowing one of them, the smaller one, got out and I can't find it!
Does anyone have any idea how I can find it? I have lots of chickens, babies, hens and chicks, and grown chickens who free range in my yard. It's a large yard, like two acres. I have lots of bushes and hiding places along with a garage and chicken coop that is open during the day and I've looked and looked and I can't see or hear it!
So any help I can get would be so great. I just can't face the idea of my baby being outside by it's little self and it's getting like 3 hours from dark!


Thanks! :)

It's calling and I am watching out the window and hoping! Thanks!
Frequently lost birds make a frantic dash for home right around dusk. I have found this to be true with many varieties of birds including pigeons. Good luck.
Put out a bright light. Guineas are attracted to light at night. If it's already dark there, they don't have great night vision, so it may help to walk around the yard slowly with the light to see if you can lure it towards you. Good luck - I hope you find it!
No, it hasn't come home. I went around the yard with a light and put the other one in a birdcage out there for a little while, but that one went to sleep and didn't chirp at all. I looked all over again today and I can't stop walking around looking under bushes and stuff!
Tonight I am going to put a flood light out there and put the other baby (along with a little black bantam littermate that's always been with them) in the birdcage and inside a fence and see if this works.
Can't give up!
Thanks for the best wishes and I am hoping hoping hoping!


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