Unknown predator returned my hen

gurls momma

5 Years
Jun 22, 2014
I had just 2 hens. I let them free range during the day. When I returned home yesterday around 5:00 I found 3 piles of feathers from my buff. So sad. To make it worse this morning my hen had been returned with a missing head and one leg. And body feathers missing. What would not eat her and bring her back? Cruel, just cruel! Maybe my neighbors dog? Thoughts. Thank you.
I'm really sorry to hear that.

It could have been that one predator caught it and ate part of it (a coons MO) and then a cat or dog brought it to you. Cats like to show prizes, and they can take adult birds. Dogs usually kill more then one animal, but they may have found it dead already.
Thank you. I hadn't thought about a dog or cat finding it and not being the killer. Perhaps a coon or fox did the worst part. Thanks for your input.
Thank you for your thought. I don't think it was a mink though because I don't live near water.

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