Is Cas a girl? Behavior/Posture questions


Apr 25, 2015
So...Cas is all big and grown now and I'm beginning to think he's actually a she based on some developing behaviors, but I'd like opinions from the experts here.

Where do I start? OK, well I'm still followed everywhere I go. When I pet his(her?) back now something new happens. He will flatten and kind of spread his wings a bit, lower his neck, stay perfectly still almost trance like, and assume a sort of face-down-butt-up (Lol) type of stance? Also, if I pet his belly he will lift a wing, or both and enjoys being pet under his wings, but this also leads to the wings sort of flattening out to where his back feathers are more exposed? If that makes any sense!

Based on my basic knowledge of most critters this would all seem to be more female type behavior, and even more frightening it seems to suggest that I'm seen as a mate? For lack of a better way to put this, and to keep it child appropriate, how do I know that he(she) isn't uh....enjoying... my petting TOO much? Lol I reading too much into it? Any ideas?
He/she may be doing the egg squat. You might get eggs soon. Maybe you could post a picture and i'll be able to tell.
So...Cas is all big and grown now and I'm beginning to think he's actually a she based on some developing behaviors, but I'd like opinions from the experts here.

Where do I start? OK, well I'm still followed everywhere I go. When I pet his(her?) back now something new happens. He will flatten and kind of spread his wings a bit, lower his neck, stay perfectly still almost trance like, and assume a sort of face-down-butt-up (Lol) type of stance? Also, if I pet his belly he will lift a wing, or both and enjoys being pet under his wings, but this also leads to the wings sort of flattening out to where his back feathers are more exposed? If that makes any sense!

Based on my basic knowledge of most critters this would all seem to be more female type behavior, and even more frightening it seems to suggest that I'm seen as a mate? For lack of a better way to put this, and to keep it child appropriate, how do I know that he(she) isn't uh....enjoying... my petting TOO much? Lol I reading too much into it? Any ideas?

From what you write Cas is Cassie. What you think is correct. My guess is that you will be getting eggs soon. Rub her back a bit then withdraw your hand; she will shake herself like a dog and walk off. Mating behavior that would occur if you had a rooster.
Thats what I was thinking but I think its far too early for eggs? Cas is only a few months old (born April 25th) so I'm not certain she'd be old enough for eggs? And she's a goose so no roosters Lol. Hmm good thing I've always been calling him/her Cassy already Lol
Thats what I was thinking but I think its far too early for eggs? Cas is only a few months old (born April 25th) so I'm not certain she'd be old enough for eggs? And she's a goose so no roosters Lol. Hmm good thing I've always been calling him/her Cassy already Lol

A goose???:weee I really need to look at forum names before replying.
A goose???:weee I really need to look at forum names before replying.

Lol no worries! I just wanted to clarify because I think I remember chickens mature a bit younger than geese? But from the little I can find online from his(her) posturing to the shrill high pitch honks I'm really leaning towards Cas being Cassy! Lol
oh lol.
MUCH too early for eggs haha! Even, give us some pictures! Some really good, head on, profile, and from behind pictures. Take a video of these behaviors? I personally thought Cas was a SHE this whole time because Cas and Jupiter act pretty much the same, where Pear Jr was 100% a male and was MUCH different with his behavior.

I always thought Cas had that short and stout female stance rather than standing up straight like my male geese.
I think its the super shrill high pitch hooooonk thats giving him...err..her away! Lol! I'll take a video tomorrow and link it up here.
Actually!! I think what I have learned is the MALE geese have the high pitched honk and the females have the low HONK. I think... Thats how it is with Kiwi and Mango. Kiwi is very very loud and screaming but Mango HONKS

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