Swollen Turkey Neck


Aug 26, 2015
17 week old royal palm turkey ( I think it might be a Tom, hard to tell now that it's sick) has a swollen neck. It is lethargic, hanging way back from other Turkey's activities. They are slightly protective of it. His pink skin is a slightly more purple in hue than the others. It's neck is really swollen....maybe kinked?? I just noticed this evening. They are roosted for the night. I can check more in the morning. They are free range. We have a river running through the back yard and some slightly wet lands in surrounding woods that they frequent. Does gapeworm cause visible swelling in the neck?

Also found a soft egg in the chicken coop. The turkeys go in there during the day to eat. The egg wasn't in the nesting boxes, maybe it is a hen afterall and she layed while they were in there and it isn't a freak chicken egg after all? It was the same hue as the Americauna's green eggs. Can flukes cause neck swelling.

New to poultry this year. First big illness encountered. Help would be invaluable.

Well i cant get any pictures to upload over my phone service and i used up the last of the monthly hotspot trying. I'm almost sure it is a Tom, just very whithered looking. He is hanging out by the house sleeping, feathers slightly ruffled up while the others run amok. They usually stay together no matter what. They are picking on him some when they are around. I saw some yellow bile looking fluid coming out of his mouth, he shook his head to get it out. He has some dried white residue around his beak. A small hard round dot on his wattle, some redish tissue around it. The others pecked at his beak/wattle some, dunno if that is from them or whatever is ailing him. I looked where he slept and where he has been snoozing so far today, i don't see any odd colored poop. I suspect he isn't going at all.

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