substituting day old chicks for a 4 week old chick


Aug 30, 2015
My back yard flock is 3 blk australorpes and one wyandotte. River is the head of the flock and Pearl the wyandotte is low man on the list. River went broody and I could not break her so I found someone with fertile eggs and put some under her. She hatched only one she is a good mom and we have her and peep in a separate run. Peep is 4 weeks old and we have begun to let River and baby out in the yard with the other girls. Rory and Edwin don't care but Pearl attacks River! She is pulling her feathers out. Enough is enough, so peep and Pearl are going to a new home, I got 3 new peeps and tried to put them under River but she pecked at them. Does anyone have a special way of getting her to accept new chicks or was I just out of my mind getting 3 new chicks?
She's not going to accept those chicks, that chance, if there was one was four weeks ago. Getting rid of chickens because they are reworking the pecking order might not be the way to go, chickens peck and fight, things aren't always harmonious in a flock of chickens.
As a rule, a hen will only accept day old chicks in the 2-3 day window when her chicks hatch. 4 weeks later is too late, many hens are weaning chicks at that time. You'll just have to brood the littles, or sell them.

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