Pullets or Roos?


Mar 15, 2015
I am waiting for my new Lavender Amerucanas. One of them will be a rooster.
The two birds attached are ones I kept from a hatch I did. They are both Black Austrolorpe and White Leghorn mix. I'm afraid the black one is a rooster! What do you think? They are about 2 months old and I only want 1 rooster



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Unfortunately it looks like both are roosters :( The barred one definitely if your rooster was the australorp and the hen the leghorn - the leghorn must carry barring and so if that one is the hen all chicks hatched from her would be barred if male, and not barred if female. This will be 100% accurate.
Unfortunately it looks like both are roosters :( The barred one definitely if your rooster was the australorp and the hen the leghorn - the leghorn must carry barring and so if that one is the hen all chicks hatched from her would be barred if male, and not barred if female. This will be 100% accurate.

My rooster was the Leghorn and the hen is my astrulorpe.The black one was the only one that looked like that. The leghorn came out dominant in that hatch. So how does that change your theory? Do you still think they are both roos :-(
Leghorns are dominant white. Australorps have white skin, and that's dominant. If the parents were pure bred, then the chicks should be white with white skin/legs. One of those chicks looks like a Delaware, the other looks like a Barred Rock mix. Is it possible that your Leghorn is actually a White Rock? Rocks have red earlobes, Leghorns have white. It's very common for White Rocks to carry barring.
My rooster was the Leghorn and the hen is my astrulorpe.The black one was the only one that looked like that. The leghorn came out dominant in that hatch. So how does that change your theory? Do you still think they are both roos :-(

Still cockerels :( I was just wondering if you perhaps also had created sex links. But your leghorn must carry barring if the hen was definitely an australorp - it's not uncommon, it's done to get them to have the bright yellow legs they are supposed to have.
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Leghorns are dominant white. Australorps have white skin, and that's dominant. If the parents were pure bred, then the chicks should be white with white skin/legs. One of those chicks looks like a Delaware, the other looks like a Barred Rock mix. Is it possible that your Leghorn is actually a White Rock? Rocks have red earlobes, Leghorns have white. It's very common for White Rocks to carry barring.

It is definitely possible that the leghorn was a Delaware. It was all white but had a little light light brownish tint on it. I got rid of it for my lavender experiment. This whole chicken breeding thing is confusing. Is there a website where you can plug in breeds and colors to see what the offspring will be? That would be cool
It is definitely possible that the leghorn was a Delaware. It was all white but had a little light light brownish tint on it. I got rid of it for my lavender experiment. This whole chicken breeding thing is confusing. Is there a website where you can plug in breeds and colors to see what the offspring will be? That would be cool

Sounds like he was just a mix of some sort. There is a website for that:


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