Help relocation of wild bee's


Dec 30, 2015
New adventure in the homestead. My husband and i relocated a wild bee hive. And wanted to start a new thread on the topic. I have been on BYC for a few months now and wanted to try out the new thread.
Thank you .
Please post pictures.

We relocated the bee's with all there comb in the proper bee boxes . Brooder comb in the bottom, nothing in the middle box and all the honey in the top super box. We cought the queen and waited for all the bee's to go in the box . Then we closed it up and moved it to our homestead 2 miles away. I put a feeder with sugar water and left no openings for them to get out. We did this Saturday February 6th 2016. Any advice would help. Thanks
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We opened the box yesterday and sat there and watchEd them fly around so cool.
That's really neat, are they staying? I know when you order boxes of bumble bees they have a little wax deal on them that the bees take a few days to chew though to get out, i think this time helps establish their home point. We have people in my area that rehome wild colony's every summer, they now run a lavender honey business. Lol. Do you have more pictures of the steps you took to extract the hive?
That's so cool!

A couple years ago, honey bees decided to make a nest under the floor of our outdoor storage closet at my apartment. Every time I would go in the closet, the bees would swarm. The first time it was terrifying but they never stung me. The problem was that we couldn't get under the floor to get them out and eventually I had to kill the hive because every time someone walked by the door, they would come out. I couldn't risk the lives of friends that are allergic to bees!

Some day I would like to have bees though.
My husband was alergic as a young man but he's fine now he got stung on purpose and nothing happened.

And I'll try and post more pictures.

this is what the wall looked like when we were done.


this is when we found them.


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