Help! Poults need more protein!!


In the Brooder
Apr 17, 2016
I have read that turkey poults need 28% protein, though this MannaPro is only 24%. It is the only game bird feed that I can get around where I live. Should I supplement them and If so, what do you suggest I use?
*~EDIT~* I just tried to feed egg yolk, both hard boiled and scrambled, they REFUSE to eat it!
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I have raised many batches of poults on chick starter, they initially grow slower, which I believe helps avoid leg problems. You are suppose to feed the higher protein for 4 weeks before lowering it, I followed the recommended feeding routine in the past but now use chick starter. I haven't seen any problems from a lower protein diet, they grow slower, but they are still rowdy and loud. So feed what you have and don't get over worried.
Thank goodness! They are all a bit sick so I thought they could use the extra protein. After some extensive scouring of the area, I did find some ultrakibble for chicks (which is 28%) and some mealworms and grit that they seem to love. :)
For added protein I used mealworms, black soldier fly larvae, and hard boiled eggs. I used a chick feed though, so the protein was even lower than yours. I'm sure they'll be okay. I also put apple cider vinegar in my water and cayenne / garlic in my feed.
Thank you, Hyelaw! I just bought 200 medium mealworms from my local pet store, the poor things seem to be afraid of them!

I never heard of adding garlic to the feed, but after searching online and reading a couple of good articles, I think that it is a great idea! How much do you add for your poults? Mine are 5 days old as of today.

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