How to feed different ages


In the Brooder
May 21, 2016
DeRidder, Louisiana
I have 8 chickens who are a couple of weeks apart in age. First batch of 5 is around 9 or 10 weeks old, second batch of 3 is around7 - 8 weeks old. Right now, I'm feeding them all Purina medicated chick starter that I buy at TSC. What happens when the older ones start laying? Do I keep feeding the younger ones the starter until they start laying, or do I change everyone over to laying feed? And how do I make sure they eat what they're supposed to if I have to do separate feed? They're all in the same coop/run, so separating them could prove tricky. Thanks!
There's not enough difference between a 2 month old chicken and a 2-1/2 month chicken to make any difference.
Generally, it's starter till 10 weeks, then grower, then layer when they start laying.
If you want to. The simplest feeding plan for a mixed age flock, is to feed the flock a grower or all flock type feed with a lower calcium percentage then layer. Then putting a dish of a calcium supplement, like oyster shell on the side for the ones laying.
I think you can feed them grower or layer feed after 14 weeks and it won't matter too much. Oyster shells are good to have regardless - but will definitely be important if you feed layers grower feed (layers will probably like it better anyway).

I put 9 week old pullets with my year old layers. Gave up on trying to do separate food after a day and fed them all grower feed till the new chicks were 14 weeks old. Kept oyster shells for the layers. Eggs were fine and everyone was happy. I've been feeding the pullets layer pellets since and they have been fine.

I do free range - so they get a lot of supplement from bugs / plants.

In summary - it probably doesn't matter much either way. Chickens are hardy birds and if they are healthy they will be fine either way. Biggest downside will be the younger pullets may take a couple of days longer to lay if you pull the grower early.

Good luck.

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