Adding things inside the run


5 Years
Mar 13, 2016
I am in need of some ideas of things to add to our chicken run. We have a 10x10 fenced-in area for our 4 girls. It has a cover and an old tree stump but that's it. Usually they are free-range during the day, but I am preparing for the winter months where we won't be letting them out as much. I know I want to add a dust bath and some type of perch. We plan to add leaves to the floor for scratching. Any tips or ideas of what to add? Thanks in advance.
For winter, add some wind stop clear plastic on 2 or 3 sides of the outside fence panels. Inside place some small tables or pallets on blocks so chickens have a slightly secluded place to hide. Place your dust bath container under the table to keep contents dry.
Mine love suet cages stuffed with goodies. In summer I have been known to cram watermelon (messy but effective) chunks of apple, kale, and so forth. I hang a couple of them up on the inside fencing of the run so they have to reach up and work to get out what's inside. Now, I do a few of them at a time because I have a lot of chickens and the last thing I need is squabbles over food. And I certainly don't do it every day - just often enough to break the boredom. In winter I make a homemade suet (or buy commercial) and do the same thing. I don't know if the extra fat helps them in winter, but they enjoy them.

I also have a "swing" in there. It's just a big tree branch suspended with wire in such a way that it swings, but they like that too. A bale of hay or straw tossed in keeps them occupied for hours while giving them some dry footing.
For the winter we use a heated water container. Our girls love their chicken xylophone, and it is very funny to watch them peck at it. A swing or two is a good idea. A pumpkin keeps them entertained for days. Also, try a "flock block".
I have a swing in my Run...Only the Bantam and Ameruacana use it....Tree stumps...Pot of soil with scratch hidden inside...They kick it all out and I put it back in...Big rock to hone their beaks on....Water bottle with holes drilled in it so Scratch falls out as they peck it...

We do plan on covering the sides of the run with plastic. We added some tree stumps. Plan to add an outdoor roost area as well. Now for the dust bath...we have 4 girls and will never have more than 8. How big should this area be? We made a 15"x32" area and did a little cover (although the whole run is covered already). Is this big enough? Do they prefer a cover that is closer as to feel more protected?

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