can't figure out what's wrong with my hen


Nov 30, 2016
My hen is puffed up, not moving, and not eating much. She doesn't mind me picking her up but occasionally makes almost a wheezing noise. I can't figure out what's wrong with her I already checked for lice/mites (etc.) and didn't find anything. Yesterday she pooped and it looked almost like a cracked egg? How do I tell if an egg cracked before she layed it, is that possible?

Just trying to figure this out
Well my hen Lucy passed away, miss her. We're guessing it was the combination of old age and being sick. Love you Lu
She was only 3 1/2 but she's been sick before this year, I'm really not 100% sure what it was.
Next time you lose a bird, be ready to send it to your state poultry lab for necropsy and lab work. Otherwise, it is just a guess that usually ends up being wrong.

I had a hen that was really lethargic and going downhill fast. Rather than medicating for who knows what, I sent her for euthanasia and necropsy. She had cancer. If I had tried meds, I would have been prolonging here misery.
I had a flock with some pretty bad diarrhea that I thought was roundworms but instead of worming, I had fecal samples read. They didn't have worms but a clostridial infection that tetracycline took care of. Had I prophylactically wormed, I would have cured nothing while they got worse.
I sent 2 roosters about 18 months apart that just dropped dead. They had no illness but died of heart attacks.

If you tell us your state, we'll give you the state lab contact info.

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