DIY Plastic Tote Incubator (Experiement for Fun) Advice Appreciated


May 21, 2015
Hello BYC, I just decided to try and build and incubator for the fun of it and thought I would update everyone on this site about it, in case they are interested. This homemade incubator isn't exactly high tech or anything, but I thought since I already had some materials to experiment with, that I would give it a shot. So far for this incubator build I have a plastic tote and the wafer thermostat/element heating combination from an old incubator. At first the incubator was obviously loosing a lot of heat due to the plastic tote being thin and not insulated. Now, the plastic tote is lined with some sort of bubble wrap reflective foil insulation. Unfortunately, the incubator does not seem to be holding or producing enough heat only staying at about 73 degrees. Any suggestions to try and get more heat in this incubator would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I am a noob with no expertise at all. I have been experimenting a little with homemade incubator components and I have found that putting rocks in the main container, near or with the eggs can help retain some of the heat.

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