Expanding a store bought chicken coop.


5 Years
Mar 17, 2016
I am looking to expand my cheesey, store bought chicken coop. Have any of you done this, and if so would you kindly share your ideas and pics of your coop? :)

It is very similar to this one (except maybe not quite as tall...mine is not a walk in).
I am about 99% sure you have the same coop as I do (except mine is red). Thank you for sharing that!
I have three that fit comfortably now, but there will be 2-3 more joining the flock so I definitely need more space. The back of the coop is the door to the nesting boxes. I would probably do something with the front of the coop and maybe raise it up.
I have three that fit comfortably now, but there will be 2-3 more joining the flock so I definitely need more space. The back of the coop is the door to the nesting boxes. I would probably do something with the front of the coop and maybe raise it up.

I have three that fit comfortably now, but there will be 2-3 more joining the flock so I definitely need more space. The back of the coop is the door to the nesting boxes. I would probably do something with the front of the coop and maybe raise it up.
id say your looking for 20-24sq ft in your coop. 50-60 in the run and 3 nesting boxes should be ok. Jugging from that picture it may need to grow twice its size. But that's only a guess with no dimensions to go on.

Also depending on your locating could mean the birds may or may not be confined for weather. Do the birds have access to free ranging at any time?

My girls have a huge run and the roam around my yard most of the day. They go to their coop to lay and sleep.
Pull out the nesting boxes and move them down below the 'floor' of the coop. Then pull out the floor. Remove the ramp and the wall that divides the coop from the run. Cover up the hardware cloth run parts with plywood. Remember to leave some hardware cloth exposed at the peak of the roof for ventilation. Install some roosts. Build a new run. You now have a coop large enough for about 4 to 5, depending on how large the birds will be as adults.

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