Anyone use fermented feed?

I don't myself but I know a lot of folks do - here is a link to some old thread and what is likely hours of reading on the subject.
Good luck to you!
Here's the definitive thread on fermenting feed. This is where I first learned to do it.

Fermenting chick starter is as simple as putting a couple hand fulls of crumbles into a juice pitcher and adding water to make it the consistency you desire. A quick squirt of ACV will kick start it.

I recommend having your FF for chicks the consistency of biscuit dough. That way they aren't going to be plowing through it like quick sand. I also like to use very small feeding containers, just a couple inches in diameter so the chicks don't find it easy to walk around in their food.
I tried giving fermented feed alongside regular crumble starter, and my chicks were totally not interested in the stuff. Should I have pulled the regular crumble until they decided to give the FF a try?
I give them crumble for the first day or two, then put the FF on the floor of brooder on a piece of cardboard, perhaps sprinkling a bit of crumble over it, then, simply remove the crumble. Keep the FF on the dry side, and be sure it's not served up in such a way they can do a face plant in it.
I also do what LG has mentioned - sprinkling the dry crumbles over the ground for the first couple days. Baby chicks have an instinct to look for their food on the ground and to scratch around for it. They learn what food is so much quicker that way, sort of like giving human infants finger food before you expect them to eat from a bowl.

They discover the FF soon enough, then they seem to prefer it. Also, sprinkling the dry crumbles over the ground helps a broody hen teach her chicks how to eat. That's step one. Graduating to FF out of a dish is step two, and before they're a week old they will be eating the FF.
Thanks everyone! I did ferment the chick starter feed for about a day and a half in just water. I noticed the bubbles at the top so figured it was ready! I gave them some in small cup and they went nuts over it!! Yayyy!

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