Can ducks and geese crossbreed???



11 Years
Oct 9, 2008
I was wondering if ducks can crossbreed with geese? I see my male runner duck on my female goose all the time and I cracked her egg open this morning and suprisingly it was fertile. I am confused maybe this can happen? Is there anyway a duck can fertilize geese?
The one that we thought was the gander laid an egg today. The male runner duck was on her a couple of days ago and appeared to be doing his job well. When we broke her egg open today it was fertile. It had a very large bullseye. I have one other goose that I am not sure what it is but I do think it is also a female. Here is a pic of them. The 2 in front are 100% females. The one in the back is the one we are not sure about but we think she is a female. We never seen IT on the ladies but we have also never seen the male runner duck on IT either. They are almost a year old. Anybody got any thoughts? Am i gonna have GooDucks?
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I sure want to know to because i was planning on keeping my new buff geese with my welsh harlequin ducks and my gray pomeranian geese with my magpies to keep the breeds pure!
(once i get my geese of course this spring)
2 seperate famlies of birds, should not be possible, one of you geese is a gander. If by some freak of nature , it did get fertilized, chances are it wouldnt hatch. People keep ducks with geese all the time and I have never once in my life heard of a gosse duck,

It should be genetically impossible,

but then I have seen a guinea chicken on here too? And guinea peafowl

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