what should be in everyone's quail First Aid kits....?


9 Years
Aug 5, 2010
my house in maryland
OKay so i was thinking that for the people who are new to quail/poultry/ gamebirds etc. we should get a topic started on what should be kept in a birdie first aid kit to have on hand in emergencies and beyond...All thoughts greatly appreciated!

i know that in a pinch ,if you have a bleeding wound that needs to be stopped that you can use cornstarch or all-purpose flour.

That you use neosporin WITHOUT the pain reliever in it ...and it says on the label which it is.

that if a bird breaks a blood feather it it wont stop bleeding ...pull it with a quick clean tug .

what else is good to use for birds? i've always had assorted house birds and never had any real problems...except for a budgie that sliced open her leg...that's where the flour/cornstarch info comes in .While she was literally bleeding to death, most of the vets i called said "bring her in ,we cannot prescribe on the phone" ! Since she'd have bled out before i could have gotten her anywhere for treatment that was of no help. Finally a vet did tell me what to do. It worked. and she made it to the vet for proper care.
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and when and how does a newbie like me use these items ?
Sulmet is used when the bird is showing to be lethargic/sick. It comes in a liquid and put in drinking water.
Neosporin is used for cuts/scraps...pecking too...Hydrogen peroxide works for this too
Bandages= well used to wrap legs up, wings, ouchies
Nail clippers..to clip toe nails
scissors...in case the bird gets caught on something OR for the bandages

electrolytes..I use ONLY sparingly to boost on shipped birdies
I buy sulmet at my feedstore so yeah off the counter

Electrolytes...feedstores carry different kinds....as long as it's for poultry it's fine.
I try not to use medications because of my chemical and food allergies and I have COPD.

I replace Sulmet with ACV -Apple Cidar Vinegar.
Nail clippers - also for lightly trimming pickers upper beak. Which I obviously don't do - but some people do.
No Electrolytes - I use Poly -Vi-Sol w/o iron - Iron Free.
I use .5mg per pint water Morning and Night, clear water in afternoon for hatchlings. I do this for shipped chicks for a week. I do this with my own egg hatches for the first 3 days or until every last one is up running around bouncing all over the place.

I want to add frozen water bottles for summer heat for the quail.
DE for the sand box - prevention and kills off buggies parasites. I notice Fireants stay away from the whole area when its in their sandbox. I have no idea why.
Blue Coat or Black Salve - I like it.

Yogurt is given to birds (all animals) for a healthy flora in the intestinal tract - in case of diarreha (spelling?) and they like it - high in protein, nice treat won't hurt them. I don't use it because ACV is cheaper. I use ACV for chicks up until they are hens. I use it for the hens in the summer on a regular basis. 1 Tbsp ACV per Gal water. So its 1 teaspoon per quart of water in brooder, and drinkers for chicks.
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