How long before they lay eggs?


8 Years
May 1, 2011
I'm just looking into getting chicks for the first time (love this site
) and I can't find any place that says how long it takes before a chicken actually starts to lay eggs. Thanx-
Usually between 5 & 6 months of age. Some breeds do lay sooner Like White Leghorns start to lay between 4 1/2 and 5 months.
It does depend on the breed of chicken, some of the sex link breeds start early while those like EE's can take longer. hatchery birds start around 20 weeks where some breeders birds can start later.
Thank you for all the input... Went to the feed store today and looked at them, they had Rhode Island Reds.
Thank you for this exact post! Just what I was looking for. My best friend in Arkansas who has tons of chickens had told me (based on their age when I got them) that my chickens would start laying at the end of August. We don't have them in their permanent coop yet, and at the moment I haven't given them nesting boxes (and there's no good place to put one!). I was getting nervous that they weren't laying because I hadn't given them a place to! Now I know we're a few weeks shy yet, and I still have time to get their big coop together. Except maybe my leghorn...keeping my eye on her. :)
This is the same question I was about to ask. I have Brown Leghorns, Blue Wyandottes, and Cuckoo Marans all born the first week in March. I was 20 weeks, but wasn't told it varied by breed. They already have nesting boxes, but I'm not putting straw in them yet, just pine shavings. I figured the 4th of July (18 weeks) I'd start giving them layer feed. Should I start earlier because some start earlier or just go with SOP and see how things work out.

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