Mean drake


9 Years
Jan 12, 2011
Yesterday we noticed that our Rouen drake had been chasing/picking on 1 particular female. We have 1 Rouen drake and 7 other female ducks. He chases her away from the flock and the food. How do I deal with him? Solitary confinement or table? He doesn't pick on anyone else. He will lower his head and nip at her and chase her - just down right mean. Is he just just trying to establish dominance and she isn't cooperating?? I should ask - is there a way to 'fix' him?
Did they all grow up together or is she a recent addition to the flock? If she has been there she may be at the bottom of the pecking order or if they are older she may be his favorite to mate with.
Actually she is older and not a recent edition. We bought 2 Rouens from TSC back at the end of March (1 male/1female) - and they are about 3 -4 weeks younger. The other six females are: 2 Welsh, 2 Blue Swedes, 2 Cayugas. His favorite is a Welsh Harelquin. There has been no aggression until the last day or so. Now, he can be a nasty bugger.
IVe had that happen before, and in the litte experience I have , it only lasts a couple days and back to normal. I just introduced 2 adult females and I HATE it... its getting better but the pecking order sucks... and my 2boys are molting and seem crabby / tired.. poor babies.
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I hope it only lasts a few days....or there will be some changes around these parts. I am thinking that she is a hold-out - she isn't 'submitting' like he
I hope it only lasts a few days....or there will be some changes around these parts. I am thinking that she is a hold-out - she isn't 'submitting' like he

Yep my thoughts exactly with mine.. once he was The King again,,, back to normal...
Could this be what wrong with my drake. I had 2 females for 6/7months and adopted a male n female runner pair. Everything has been fine but past couple of days he chases my khiaki as soon as he sees her n usually grabs a back feather n they run together till I step in and shoo him off. Is he being nasty or wanting to mate with her? Im getting frustrated xx

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