How to get chickens in the coop at night


6 Years
Jun 5, 2013
Hi! I have 6 chickens and 2 ducks. We have a coop raised above ground with a ramp in the run to get up to it. The chickens are allowed to free range all day, but getting them in the coop at night has become ridiculously tedious. My barred rock will go over and jump inside the door from the outside. The rest of the flock makes me chase them around the yard until I catch them to put them in. I usually try to do it around 7:00 pm, but sometimes it takes 30 minutes to get them in! HELP!

When we moved them from the brooder into the coop, we let them in the coop for a few days before introducing them to the run. They they stayed in the run for a week or so before I let them out into the yard.

Should I let them out later until dusk? Will they move towards home then?

Other notes: They do not ever hang out in the run now that they have free range. They run into it if they get scared, but other than that and to eat, they never go in.

We have one barred rock, buff orpington, cochin, and 3 silkies.
They should think of it as home now, so I am wondering if they have a problem with the coop. If it does not get good air flow this time of year, they will want to stay outside. Perhaps it is simply too small. If it has no natural light this may be the problem. Perhaps you could tell us more about your coop and wetup.
My coop is actually rather large for the number of birds we have. It does have a small window on the one side -- 12inchesx12 inches. I have attached a picture. The window is on the other side. Perhaps I should leave the big door open during the day to get more ventilation?
My chickens are not easy to round up before sundown...when they put themselves in. You might be over thinking this. Sounds like your birds know where home is but are not reay for bed til dark.
When the horse's get out we put a cup of oats in the feed bucket and shake it, they'll usually follow us no matter what's in that bucket though... It also works on the dogs and even the cat surprisingly... Anyone think treats in a bucket would help for rounding up chickens?
Mine don't make it easy if it is before sundown. Tonight when the sun was gone they all had gone into the coop. I've learned a few things they like that sometimes makes it easier. They like lights so I turn on a light in their coop so the option is out in the dark or come into the coop to the lights. They also love their fermented feed so I will pull some out at bedtime and they will run in to get it. Last, and this one may sound weird, but they like the sound of my voice so I go into their coop and talk to the birds that are inside and the rest will come in to see me. Tonight I got 62 in the coop by just hanging out with them at sundown.
If its not pitch black mine will stubbornly stay outside. After dusk they return to the roost. If they are not doing it by the time the sun has fallen completely, it may be an issue with the roosting area itself.
my first post...

I just give them a little treat INSIDE the coop and make my `treat` noise. Usually one comes in and starts pecking away, the other guys will then come running up the ramp. that is around 9pm these days. i leave the pop door open for another hour, but usually they do not go outside again after their evening treat...they seem to know where home is
Your coop looks small for six chickens, We have twice that space, and ours is smaller than I would like.....for the same amount of chickens. Could they be feeling crowded? Coop space is different than run space. Ours also has a window that is 30 inches x 18 plenty of light.

Try training them with treats. Throw a handful of scratch/worms/their favorite in the coop every evening. They will quickly learn they get treats if they come to the coop at night.
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