Anyone else get annoyed when the people around you are constantly on the cell phone?

Farmer Mike S

7 Years
Oct 18, 2012
Glen Mills, PA
I'm not against cell phones or technology, I'm obviously using a device right now and if you reply so are you. But I'm also sitting on my couch with nothing to do right now and no one around to talk to. What really annoys me is when I'm with a group of people or even just a person, and they're constantly on their phone (texting, on twitter, etc). This isn't just something limited to my friend group or age group either; this is a regular thing to see with people of all ages. Not to sound sexist, but it does seem to be slightly more common with females.

But like I'll be at lunch, and every person at the table will have their phone out. I'll be in study hall and everyone in the group I'm sitting with will be on their phone. I'll be at a party and everyone will be on their phone. I'll be out to dinner and there will be a family with all their phones out. I can go on and on with examples... Sometimes there's something important you need your phone for; like I've had to take it out on occasion when I'm in public. But the examples I give people are constantly on their phones, it's so annoying. Like who could you be texting at a party at 10pm or at study hall at 9am? Do you really not enjoy the company around you? I kind of feel like I hang around people to be with them, not be focused on something else.

I've recently started calling people out about this. One day I was at the lunch table and everyone at the table was texting each other. I was like "wait, what's going on?" Then one kid was like "welcome to the 21st century my friend."

Today I was with a group of friends and one girl was like "oh no, I forgot my phone." Then I said "are we too boring for you?"

Then a few days ago me and a few of my buddies were talking about a camping trip, but everyone was afraid about their iPhones because they wouldn't have a charger to charge them for the 5 hours they last. I was like "Man, you girls cannot survive without a phone."

I am a bit ahead of my time, I'm not into twitter or Facebook or whatever they use nowadays. I don't even text that much, I don't even have an iPhone because I prefer the indestructible flip phone with a battery life of like half a week. All I really use internet for is research, listening to music, and going on forums. All that's a different story though, but I still feel regardless what phone you have, whether you are into social media or not, etc., you shouldn't be on your phone when you are hanging with other people. It's something that drives me crazy and I find it rude.
Agree with you 100%. I do have a cell phone, but there is a time and place for it. I would hate to think I was that tied to my phone. It is very annoying when people I go to lunch or break with at work are constantly checking their phones or texting. I may check my phone, but I don't take it with me when I eat lunch. Same thing at the gym. People can't even work out without their phones. I used to have a Facebook account, but stopped that 2 years ago because of things that I found out and preferred not to know. Caused me to loose a close relationship with a family member. I think Facebook started as a good thing to connect with friends and family, but has quickly changed into mayhem, with people sharing things and telling things that they shouldn't. I know people who cannot go an hour without checking their Facebook or Twitter accounts. Really sad. I'm so glad that I have a life that doesn't evolve around a social network....not counting BYC of course.
I like my phone but I look at a text like an e-mail. I will respond when I have downtime an dont have company. I dont like call waiting ether. My house phone still gives a busy signal so they know I am home but on the phone, call back later. Cell wont let me do that...
I agree with your observation that women are the worst with cell phone use.
I have been at several checkouts where I (along with other customers) was expected to hold on while a woman talked to someone on a cell phone. This even happened at one place where there was a sign that requested you finish your cell phone calls before approaching the counter! Ha!
Most bosses don't even care anymore if you bring it up, so what good is saying anything?
I think that next time it happens, I'll just leave the store after abandoning what I was going to purchase.
Yes, its so inconsiderate at times. I've got niece, and her phone is ALWAYS with her, even at the movies!
Totally agree! I can't stand this. People stand in line and talk on there phone while ordering, in the check out, when they are sapose to be visiting they are constantly on there phones instead. I have left my moms house and my nieces moms house after only visiting a few minutes because of this. I live 8hrs away and drive 8hrs with a small child and they are on there phones the whole time. It's very sad how people are more interested in a phone then people. Also all people want to talk about is Facebook. I don't have Facebook, I don't want Facebook, how about we sit and talk about stuff going on. Now I just limit my time with people who are on there phones all te time and only hangout with people who actully are interested in actul human interaction. I really hope this trend changes soon. Scared to see what it might turn into when my son grows up :(
I agree with your observation that women are the worst with cell phone use.
I have been at several checkouts where I (along with other customers) was expected to hold on while a woman talked to someone on a cell phone. This even happened at one place where there was a sign that requested you finish your cell phone calls before approaching the counter! Ha!
Most bosses don't even care anymore if you bring it up, so what good is saying anything?
I think that next time it happens, I'll just leave the store after abandoning what I was going to purchase.

At a store I worked at
customer (to manager at customer service desk) whlie still on cell phone with bagger with carry out cart of grocieries in plastic bags) sir?
manager yes?
c this bagger put all my groceries in plastic with out asking me what kind of bags I wanted.
m so where you on the phone while he bagged for you like you are now?
c yes
m perhaps he didn't wish to interupt you with your very important phone call since it's too urgent for you to hang up while talking to me and the cashier and the bagger, so unless there is something else I can do for you I think we are through here....
Once when I was checking out a customer when I totaled the sale I said Your total is $ xxxx. Maam yor total is $ xxxxx. She looks at me and says Can you not see I am on my phone. Maam your total is $ xxxxx. She turns her back on me and continues talking. I hit the button that terminated the sale and said Next please. She lost it. After reviewing the film, management agreed with me........
I went on a ladies' retreat with my church recently. The location wasn't that remote, but it was very hilly and there was no internet. I honestly thought some of the ladies were going to have withdrawal symptoms! They'd work so hard to try to get a connection....I was thrilled to be out of touch for a weekend. There was a landline for emergencies--funny, that phone never rang once, so there weren't any emergencies!
I have often said I don't know whether cell phones are a blessing or a curse. The convenience of them is undeniable. When someone needs to get in touch with me, I don't have to hang around near the land line to get the call. I can call for help if I get in a pickle (I handle horses alone on a daily basis; it could happen!) As my son begins to spread his wings, the GPS in his phone means he can get where he wants to go without confusion and distraction adding to the already considerable hazards of driving in city traffic.

But I make it clear that I own the phone, not the other way around. Everyone who knows me knows that I don't answer the phone when I'm driving. I don't actually use my phone to screen calls, though it may look like it; I won't interrupt a face-to-face conversation unless I really do think it may be important. I have never understood Twitter - never mind having the time for all those tweets, I can't imagine anyone being that interested in all the boring details of my life! Besides, if I tell everyone every thought I have all of the time, and get that sort of thing back from them electronically, what in the world will we talk about when we are actually in the same room??!

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