The Legend of Zorro, even if it's only my legend


6 Years
Apr 14, 2013
New Hampshire
This is my rooster Zorro, and I couldn't have given him a more fitting name. He's always a big sweetie, both to me and the hens. Has never put a feather out of place behaviorally.

We had another black australorp rooster too, but he was getting more and more aggressive the last month or so. Last Saturday, the aggressive one was attempting to attack me and Zorro came to my rescue. Basically he kicked the crap out of him. My normally meek Zorro flipped his lid on the other one for coming at me. I ran in the house to get the long feather duster to separate them and both were already a bloody mess when I got back out, they were easily separated {they all fear the duster} and I called a friend to "take care of" the aggressive rooster, he was gone in less than an hour. RIP Shetan.

Aside from some cuts on his face, wattles and comb and some missing feathers in spots, Zorro's been having a hard time eating - even yogurt and wet down food due to swelling in his mouth. I took him to the vets yesterday, the swelling was not only his tongue but both the upper and lower beak inside. He got an antibiotic shot and the doctor told me only soft foods and diced fruits/vegetables that he likes. I've been syringing water/electrolytes into him a few times a day to play it safe, because I have yet to see him drink since Saturday. Did a special shopping just for him, a food chopper, applesauce, peeled tomatoes, grapes, all his favorites.

The vet, who does do chickens and owns many, went on and on about how I wasn't kidding when I said he was a good boy. He is, and he lived up to his name to save his mommy
With the fight and injuries, taking on sole responsibility of the 9 hens and then the vet visit he has really appreciated me coming in at dusk to round up the girls and cut him some slack. I took this pic below tonight, the poor guy zonked out before I left the coop and the girls had even hunkered down.

{they look like rag-a-muffins 'cuz it rained all day}

I think I'm done with roosters, maybe someday I'll change my mind. But this guy right here, anything he ever needs for the rest of his life is his, no expense too great. Even if that means when he's old he lives in the house. This guy won a spot in my heart that words can't explain. Little does my little hero know, he's got 13 more little ladies in the house waiting to be big enough to have the honor of calling him their rooster.

If you can spare a prayer or positive thought for this special guy, he sure could use it because eating is a real struggle for him right now. Consensus is he took a spur to the mouth, he's sporting a jack o lantern look too
Zorro's finally eating better and drinking on his own, although does have a bit of a drippy beak but it's getting better every day. It's been a hell of a week for him, first all that I originally posted and then he met 6 new baby pullets through some wire and then became a full fledged papa. Since they've been put with the flock he's been a dear with his future girlfriends. Wish I could say the same for one of the hens, oy vey!

The babies were sleeping in a pile of hay in the coop, but I put the babies on the empty/never used roost in the coop first time last night, tonight when I was putting them in after all the others went to roost and Zorro had changed his spot to the end of that roost, but closest to the older hens. So it's the wall, 6 babies, then Zorro and the rest of the hens on his other side. One of the babies is nestled in his chest, all you can see is a tiny golden face peeking out of his black chest feathers. Now if only that one hen would stop harassing them.
I just adore this boy
Brought my camera out with me tonight to get pics of him watching over his little ones while at roost for the night.

Looks like he's counting heads to make sure they're all accounted for, lol. It's too funny too, if they get too restless and loud he'll gently peck them on the back as if to say "alright you kids, settle down it's time for bed!" And they listen

I love this guy to pieces, he's SO good to these little ones.

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