Hatching swan eggs


5 Years
May 20, 2014
I have two adult pair of Black-Necked Swans. Earlier this year one of my females laid three eggs in my aviary without building a nest and in random locations. She obviously had no interest in sitting on them. I took the three eggs inside and waited to see if she would lay more. She did not. I also researched how to incubate swan eggs and the information I found was discouraging to say the least. I did place the eggs in my incubator and I am starting this thread to see if anyone is interested in how our "experiment" worked. I had previously followed another thread about someone attempting to hatch swan eggs and thought it was interesting. Please let me know if you would like to know my experience.

PLEASE Srcleary, talk to me. I have 2 Swan eggs in a GQF cabinet incubator that are alive and due to hatch. I'm a wreck wondering what exactly is best to do for a successful hatch at this point. I placed a few more in the incubator yesterday but incubation had not been started by the parent Swan as were the first 2. Is that bad? I desperately need advice and would so appreciate you sharing your experience. Thanks in advance.

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