First time Hatchers!

Dexters Mom

In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 25, 2014
Three Rivers, MA
Today I got a wonderful package!
I ordered 5 Amaraucana and 5 EE eggs for hatching
I got 6 of each!
This is my first time and I am terrified about making mistakes!
I had the incubator set up for a few days now and it is stable at 99F/100F and 46%-50% humidity.
I am storing the eggs at room temperature (pointy side down) till tomorrow. I read somewhere that is what you should do with shipped eggs!
Wish me luck!
Good luck on your eggs! I'm incubating some eggs at the moment too. :D I have 15 serama eggs and 2 mix breed eggs (well one of them is basically an EE egg) in my homemade incubator. My White Leghorn became broody a few weeks ago and she now has 5 eggs underneath her ( 4 mix breeds and 1 serama egg I sneaked under her to see what would happen). I've read that Leghorns aren't great mothers, but for now she's been doing a great job. It's my second try and I'm doing a staggered hatch, since I set the eggs in the bator at different times.

By the way, are incubating by putting the eggs in an egg carton or setting them naturally on their sides?
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They are in an egg carton for now and I hope their air bubbles will be in the right position by tomorrow.
I will try to candle the before I put them into the incubator, just to make sure everything is in place.
After that they will be on their sides. That is how my moms hens took care of their eggs and I want to try to keep it as close to what I know from them.
I hope 'natural birth' will work out for us lol.

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