Pecked injured Chick.


13 Years
Oct 24, 2009
I have a chick that has been badly pecked on the head by another hen.

It seems slower than normal and keeps closing its eyes. Also it seems concussed.

I thought it had been got by a predator as the mother hen lost it in the morning.

In the evening it turned up again with the rest of her chicks. But its got a small wound just above its eye and one on the back of its head.

It looks like its been pecked by another hen and it was knocked out cold. I think its been in a daze hiding in the tall grass all day.

Will it recover? Its walking about.. and keeping up with the others.. but its wobbly and slow.
I am glad so tell you the chick is still alive. The wounds look very small and no blood.. just missing feathers and red skin.

Can they get brain damage from a hard peck on the head? It does not seem to be 'normal'. Its a lot slower then the others.. getting left behind. It also does not cheep or make much noise like the others. It seems like of slow to react to things.
I am glad so tell you the chick is still alive.  The wounds look very small and no blood.. just missing feathers and red skin.

Can they get brain damage from a hard peck on the head?  It does not seem to be 'normal'.  Its a lot slower then the others.. getting left behind. It also does not cheep or make much noise like the others.  It seems like of slow to react to things. 
I'm glad she's still alive. I don't know if theu can get brain damage or not. I've had chicks pecked almost down to the skull (so sad :( ) and they were fine once they healed. Was it mentally slow before the injury?
I'm glad she's still alive. I don't know if theu can get brain damage or not. I've had chicks pecked almost down to the skull (so sad
) and they were fine once they healed. Was it mentally slow before the injury?
Good news. The chick have made a full recovery.

Took a few days! It is a bantam chick and I think a normal sized hen attacked it. Poor baby must have had a bad headache. He is now very lively and loud and is going to be a good looking rooster.
I'm glad she's still alive. I don't know if theu can get brain damage or not. I've had chicks pecked almost down to the skull (so sad :( ) and they were fine once they healed. Was it mentally slow before the injury?

Good news.  The chick have made a full recovery. 

Took a few days!  It is a bantam chick and I think a normal sized hen attacked it.  Poor baby must have had a bad headache.  He is now very lively and loud and is going to be a good looking rooster.
GREAT!! I'm so glad!

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