Normal chick behavior?


5 Years
Jul 14, 2014
Hickory, NC
So, let me start off by saying I am pretty sure I know the answer to my question- but because I am new at this (since July 16th!), I want to be sure, so I figured I would ask those who have more experience.
Question: When I reach into the brooder to get my chicks, they are terrified- they scatter. They weren't like that the first few days- but as they have gotten older (again- they are like 2 weeks old)- they seem very afraid. I want them to be used to us- what can I do? Are they afraid because we are swooping in from above them to get them? When I take them outside and I am on the ground with them, they can see me, so they do not seem as afraid, or scatter... is that normal?

Thanks ya'll!
Yes perfectly normal! Try getting them some mealworms (but you will also need grit) they will love you (eventually). Try so end as much time with them as possible
I gave my baby girls , little pieces of grapes..( chopped up) mabye about a 1/4 cup full once a week.. " once they see it as a treat" they will become your best friends... "and will become more trustworthy of your intentions with them. though try to pet and talk to them every day as much as you can.. it wont be long till they all the sudden come running when they see you.. " its so precious".. :)
best of luck to ya !
Remember the grit if you haven't got any already chick grit but not the shells as too much calcium! Have fun

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