Aseel Hen weaning her chicks


8 Years
Jun 16, 2014
Lahore, Pakistan
I have an aseel hen who hatched some chicks for me which are about 6 weeks old. My question is when does aseel hen weans her chicks? the family free ranges with other flock members and there are cats and crow nest in tree.
I've heard of them staying with their young for months. Aseels are quite broody too, so there's good chance they'll stay for a while
They are 9 weeks old and still with their mother.
They may be like my American Games. Can you still here the hen cluck to her brood? My hens producing either very large broods of surviving young or with hatch later in season tend to stay with broods the longest. Some will stay with brood through 16 weeks post-hatch but clucking usually stopped by 5 weeks. Such non-clucking hens will still tid-bit call to chicks. lead them to roost, and defend their interest against other chickens. The aggressiveness of hen towards offspring seems to be associated with interest in re-nesting. Even if the tid-bitting phase ceases, a hen not interested in re-nesting will associate with her offspring amicably until start of next breeding season.
yes she still clucks to her brood of remaining 4 alive chicks. she finds food for them and calls them also takes them under her wings at night even only 1 chick can be under her wing.

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