Tom or Hen: was the ring on a string interpretation right?


9 Years
Mar 24, 2010
These two were sold to me as hens, based on a ring on a string test done as I watched. Curiously enough, the sellers say they interpret things the exact opposite way of what most people do. I knew them a little before, but I'm hoping they weren't just trying to get rid of toms (I wanted hens).

They are half Standard Bronze and half Royal Palm. What say you - hens, toms, or one of each?
Yay! Thank you! I've had these a few months so raised them from little babies. These are only our second and third turkeys we've ever had, so just getting familiar with how the different sexes look.

Thanks again.
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I have never heard of the ring on the string,,BUT I am new to turkeys too. I have had mine since April.

My young toms have larger snoods and the head is far more red and warty than yours...

It is hard to tell because of the pictures But I vote hens.. A closer look at the heads would help.
These do look like hens to me as well. Good luck with the new hens!

Can you explain what the "ring on a string test" is? We are all very curious! Is it where you tie a string around a ring (or needle) and if it moves in a circle it is one gender and if it moves in a line it is the opposite gender?

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