Help- decreased egg production!


5 Years
Apr 16, 2014
I have three white leghorns who matured and started laying at the end of July and early August. After a bout with frequent soft eggs (they weren't eating the oyster shell until I mixed it with food), they were laying well and we were getting three solid, perfect eggs per day. Several days ago we started getting two eggs instead of three, which lasted for three days. Yesterday we got only one egg, and today none. I have another chicken who is on the verge of laying, seems like she has been for a couple of weeks now.

I've run through all the typical reasons for egg production decline- and I don't think most of them fit. They're not molting, they have plenty of food and water at all times, they have access to oyster shell and crushed egg shell, there haven't been any changes to their coop or flock, and there haven't been any predators about. I don't think they are eating the eggs- no evidence of any eggs whatsoever. The nesting boxes are dry, no shells, no yolky beaks. They are still getting 14 hours of daylight. No evidence of egg-binding. They are acting perfectly fine- not sick or sluggish at all. They have lots of space, do not fight, and nobody is being bullied much. We do not have a rooster.

I've checked their water to make sure it's not moldy. Their indoor water is not, but their outdoor water had a bit of greenish stuff at the bottom. I don't know if that could be the problem, I've cleaned it out. I have been soaking and fermenting their feed. I didn't see any mold and it smelled sourish, maybe a little yeasty, but had no mold. I've stopped feeding them that and am starting a new clean batch, just in case the old one was contaminated somehow.

I did dump some chokecherries in their yard, which they seemed to enjoy. I wonder if that could have caused a problem? They normally get scraps, but I try not to overdo it.

Does anybody have any ideas??
Just thinking... their coop is inside a shed, and when the outside doors aren't opened (which they are from about 7:30a.m.-dusk) the coop has only one medium sized window facing north. It has been colder and overcast lately. Perhaps they really aren't getting enough light?
Worms? Could it be worms? Do I need to de-worm already? They're my first chickens and only about 22 weeks old. They have a large chicken yard with grass, trees, weeds. No signs of worms in droppings or behavior. Anybody have a first de-worming recommendation?

One of the hens laid a soft egg this morning- not sure why we seem to get a bunch of those. I'm sure they now have adequate calcium.
It's possible they were scared by something- so strange. There are some falcons and hawks around. Yes, fingers crossed...

Thanks for responding, I was starting to think I was talking to myself! :)

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