Aggressive chick

Chicken foot 10

5 Years
Aug 25, 2014
Harmony pa
So I have 18 4 week old chicks one that is a blue ameraucana . This chick keep attacking the other chicks and is drawing blood. I separated it for now. What should I do with this unruly house guest?
How are your chicks being housed? How much square footage, total, is in the brooder? Have you seen any sort of pattern in the "attacks" - ie are they centered around feeding?
At four weeks it is possible he is showing a little of his game ancestry. Hopefully I am incorrect and Ol Gray Mare can resolve as a space issue.

I employ an adult rooster to control the gameness but that takes practice.
Thank you! I'm on it . I hope it passes too. This is my kids favorite chicken and it loves being handled by them. However my kids were not around at the time of this behavior.

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