Serama Questions


In the Brooder
6 Years
Dec 14, 2013
Hi there i was wondering about Seramas. Like how many eggs, can you keep them inside, what is a true serama? Thanks. Oh and pics please.
I personally don't believe in keeping them inside. Despite the fact that they are so tiny, they are in fact chickens and chickens do best in a flock.
How many eggs you get would really depend on the bloodline. My eldest serama Widget is now somewhere between 5 and 6 years old, still laying eggs although most of hers are now infertile. Widget has what has become an annoying habit for me. She lays just enough eggs - between 3 and 6 - to go broody on them. Widget raises her chicks for 6 weeks, kicks them to the curb, lays another 3 to 6 eggs, goes broody again....all year round! Since her eggs are now mostly infertile, I usually get tired of fighting her broodiness long before she gives up, so I end up buying her chicks and she does the rest.
I purchased Widget from a serama breeder that was getting out of the breed.

Here she is, all nine ounces of her.

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thank you so much. So they are a very broody breed... thats great..

Not necessarily, as I've heard from other serama owners. Widget may be the exception to the rule. I've told my husband more than once that I think the real reason the breeder wanted rid of Widget is because the bird is rarely ever not broody. She drives me nuts with it, but I love her.

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