HELP!! Chicks with blood in poop???


10 Years
Feb 19, 2013
Riding on a horse! :)
I have three chicks with blood in there poop and looking lethargic and one isn't doing very well at all, i'm trying to help them but I don't know what causes it or how I can help...... ??? Can someone please help me help them?? I really don't want them to die!! One already died I don't want the others to as well :( Thank you!
The problem is most likely coccidiosis. Get some Corid right away and put it in their water. You can get it at any feed store, TSC or Farm and Home.

Also, in the future, make sure the bedding is bone dry and the feeders at least half full. If the bedding gets wet, change it immediately.
The problem is most likely coccidiosis. Get some Corid right away and put it in their water. You can get it at any feed store, TSC or Farm and Home.

Also, in the future, make sure the bedding is bone dry and the feeders at least half full. If the bedding gets wet, change it immediately.
Thank you so much!! I was feeling so helpless!! I have just moved them under a heat lamp and changed the bedding :)
do a search for amprolium or other sulfa drug that may be available there.

Corid is just a brand name of amprolium.

I think in Canada there's a product called Amprol.
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The problem is most likely coccidiosis. Get some Corid right away and put it in their water. You can get it at any feed store, TSC or Farm and Home.

Also, in the future, make sure the bedding is bone dry and the feeders at least half full. If the bedding gets wet, change it immediately.

Just curious: 8 years ago when we moved here we got some dogs from my mentor who had moved to a farm. These dogs brought coccidiosis to my dogs and I lost a lot of dogs and puppies. Including the 2 we got from her and the puppies one was carrying. Could the Corid have been put in my dogs water as well? Would it have worked on dogs?
Just curious: 8 years ago when we moved here we got some dogs from my mentor who had moved to a farm. These dogs brought coccidiosis to my dogs and I lost a lot of dogs and puppies. Including the 2 we got from her and the puppies one was carrying. Could the Corid have been put in my dogs water as well? Would it have worked on dogs?

Amprolium is used in cattle goats , cats and dogs to combat coccocidiosis . Cocci lives in the soil and there would be few places that house animals that don't have coccidia .
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