

In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 22, 2014
Birmingham UK
Hi everyone

Joined this fab site/forum tonight because every time I search for information about my ducks I get directed here and always find lots of great answers and advice.

I had a duck as a child, which unfortunately fell prey to Mr Fox :( ....many years later....I recently took on foster mommy roll (for 2 weeks) for my aunts duck and chicken whilst she moved house.....fast forward 3 months and I still have Bobby-Girl (duck) unfortunately Buffy (the hen) died of old age :(

Looking after Bobby-Girl has re-ignited my love of having a duck and I have just bought 2 baby Aylesbury's - girlies I hope - lol (avatar pic is them - Betty - 4 weeks & Babs -3 weeks)

I am in the process now of creating a ducky paradise! and have sectioned off a third of my garden, which is a decent size, for the ducks (If you haven't gathered already the fostering of Bobby-Girl has now become a permanent adoption I think!) lol ...at the moment the babies are out in the run during the day but I bring them indoors at night until they are a few more weeks old as their own house is being built (courtesy of my pops) ....and Bobby-Girl free ranges all day long....and interferes terribly whilst I'm gardening!

I am also 'fostering' my aunts Guinea Pig (Candy) and am mommy to 5 cats of my own

Bella aka Mama Cat ...and her babies .....Dorothy aka Dotty
Dexter aka sexy dexy
BonBon aka Bonnie

and Tubbs....a stray that has decided its a nice place to squat.....2 years ago!

I have lots of questions about my ducky babies but will browse the forum and post in the relevant section

Chow for now :D

glad you joined us!
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Sounds like you have a lovely flock of critters! Have you stopped by our Ducks section yet? You can chat with other duck owners, share pics and stories and just talk duck there...https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/42/ducks

Enjoy all your animals and welcome to our flock!
Welcome to BYC, Shally. Glad you decided to join our flock. I'm a chicken person and don't know much about ducks (although I've had a few), but I have to admit that ducklings are the ultimate in cute. Definitely post on our duck link provided by TwoCrows and take advantage of our duck experts there. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your ducks.

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