Are these Jakes or Jennies?


13 Years
Apr 28, 2008
Bucksport, ME
We have 3 turkeys, all heritage breeds, that were 7 weeks old when we got them from a lady who had an ad in Uncle Henry's (swap/sale publication). I was thinking up to this point that the two darker ones were jakes, and the buff was a jenny. However, I have read in a couple different places that the jennies have hair that goes up the back of the neck to the top of their head, that Jakes will develop spurs on their shanks and big carunkles at the base of the neck. We have not heard any gobbling yet either. So, are these all Jennies??

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UPDATE: Thinking I had all jennys, I traded my gray jenny with a friends bourbon red and bought a blue slate tom off of her to add to my flock. Well, as soon as I put Blue in to the area, my Narragansett puffed himself up! So, I guess he's "Norman" not "Nancy"! LOL
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