chickens are eating their eggs!


5 Years
Oct 25, 2014
my chickens have started eating their eggs. By the time I realized they were doing it they all began to join in on the feasting. I dont think they are missing anything in their diets. They well and free range. Any way to remedy this? Or do I just need to get new chickens?
Hi and welcome. Egg eating can be a tough one once it's started - especially when it's more than one bird in the flock that is participating. Are your chickens laying in nest boxes? If so, you might want to consider using "roll out" boxes - these boxes allow the egg to roll away from the bird and into a safe spot out of reach after it has been laid - which prevents egg eating.
You can try leaving plastic Easter Eggs or wooden mock-eggs in the nests to see if it will break the habit (and now a craving). Otherwise, yes, a new flock may be your only answer. Eating eggs is seldom a lack of nutrients. Do you have a feeder with Oyster Shell easily reached by all the hens. But even really hard shells is not a deterrent to the treat of a fresh egg. Lots of small apples on the ground might help the habit of pecking something harder than bugs and grass--you will have to be creative! Good luck!

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