2015 hatchery chick order thread!!!

chicken farmer

10 Years
Feb 7, 2012
Are you ordering chicks from a hatchery this year? What breeds are you getting,what hatchery are you ordering from? I'm so excited a little bit ago I put my chick order in at Murray Mcmurray Hatchery and I ordered 26 chicks and a great variety I got some barred rocks,silver or buff laced polish(I forget),buff orpington,dark cornish,ameraucanas,white leghorn,black sex-link,turken naked necks,blue andalusian,black cochin,egyptian fayoumis,and I think that's all I ordered and I ordered a couple of almost each breed. This is the first time I ordered chicks from a hatchery and I'm so excited. I've hatched chicks in incubator/broody hen,and bought some at the feedstore but not hatchery I can't wait. But let's see what all you guys are getting?
I just ordered from Cackle [first order] and Welp [got chicks from them several years ago]. I have gotten lovely birds several times from McMurray but they didn't have what I wanted this time.

Cuckoo and Black Marans and Welsomers from Cackle and Russian Orloffs from Welp... all set to ship in March.
I am!! I am so darn excited too :D I placed my order with Ideal, and they are supposed to ship March 11th :)

2 easter eggers *they say Ameraucana but I know better haha
3 partridge plymouth rocks
1 PPR rooster
3 cuckoo marans
2 dark brahmas
1 dark brahma rooster
2 light brahmas
2 std partridge cochins *I thought my kids would like them :)
3 salmon faverolles *which I am now seeing might be a different color coming from Ideal?
and 15 cornish rock meat birds.

I haven't been able to have layers in a couple years, so I am excited to have some girls back :D
I placed my order with My Pet Chicken a few weeks ago. Getting Easter Eggers, just because I can't get enough of them, Light Brahmas, Buff Brahmas, and Red Sex Links. Due to arrive the first week in April. I made the mistake of ordering way too early last year, and lost some chicks in shipping because of it. They came the last week of February and it was 19 degrees below zero when we picked them up at the PO. What makes that worse is that the postal service messed up and held them up in Casper overnight in those temps. I was NOT happy, but MPC made it right, even though it wasn't their fault. So I had no problem ordering from them again.
I am in the waiting queue from Meyer..various Marans pullets (Black Copper, Blue Splash, Golden Cuckoo, and Cuckoo)....I've had time to build the coop & run and still have 2 months left to wait.....
I have my little ones shipping out February 2nd from McMurray. I'm hoping for decent weather for their trip!

I have:
6 straight run Welsummers
4 EEs (advertised as Ameraucanas)
4 Speckled Sussex
4 Brown Leghorns
4 Plymouth Rocks
4 Partridge Rocks

This is my first time raising them in a brooder. Normally my hens do all the work. Just went shopping and got all their supplies. Now I just need to set up the brooder itself. I'm so excited!!!
I have my little ones shipping out February 2nd from McMurray. I'm hoping for decent weather for their trip!

I have:
6 straight run Welsummers
4 EEs (advertised as Ameraucanas)
4 Speckled Sussex
4 Brown Leghorns
4 Plymouth Rocks
4 Partridge Rocks

This is my first time raising them in a brooder. Normally my hens do all the work. Just went shopping and got all their supplies. Now I just need to set up the brooder itself. I'm so excited!!!
Great! I have my little one's(26) shipping out on February 2nd as well,can't wait to find out what my mystery chick is!!

I decided to opt out of the mystery chick because looking at other threads most of the time they were roosters I need another rooster like I need another hole in my head. I think my lovely husband would make me sleep out in the coop if I wanted to keep another roo (ok besides a Welsummer roo I talked him into).
I'm hard of hearing but he has bionic hearing and our current roo George wakes him up in the morning esp. in the spring and summer. So far my husband has let me keep a rooster as long as they behave (and me!
I decided to opt out of the mystery chick because looking at other threads most of the time they were roosters I need another rooster like I need another hole in my head. I think my lovely husband would make me sleep out in the coop if I wanted to keep another roo (ok besides a Welsummer roo I talked him into).
I'm hard of hearing but he has bionic hearing and our current roo George wakes him up in the morning esp. in the spring and summer. So far my husband has let me keep a rooster as long as they behave (and me!
Yes I also seen a lot were roosters and quite a few were ameracaunas, but there are a few that are hens so hopefully we'll get lucky

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