What Breed Of Hen

That's not a Barred Rock, even hatchery stock, as the ear lobes are white and even hatchery BR's have red ear lobes and a stronger barred pattern.

It's very hard to see her comb. Having a good comb photo would help. Also the white ear lobes don't match her body type.

No matter...I think she is a mixed breed either hatchery oops or barnyard mix....background of where you got her would help determine better.

She might have some Wyandotte if that is a rose comb (better photo would help)...or some Wyandotte in her as her body suggests that.

My guesses.


barnyard mix with barred ancestry.
Ok heres what I know about this hen which is not very much. My daughter got her and another hen from a lady near where she lives. The lady said she thought they were both barred rocks...............not. I have no idea where this lady got the chickens from. One of them is without a doubt a cuckoo maran and this hen. I've had her since about mid December and so far no eggs from her but shes a gentle acting chicken other than when a pullet gets too near her lol. Heres what I hope is a better picture. I had to get this picture inside the coop since its raining and she didn't want to be out in the rain.

Thanks everyone. I too thought she was a mixed breed and based on her body size I thought she may have some wyandotte in her. Hopefully shortly I'll be getting eggs from her. The last two days I have saw her squatting when the dominate hen in the flock pecks at her. Before she would just go the other way.

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