small barred rock


In the Brooder
Apr 5, 2015
Madison Two, Pa
I am a little worried. One of my barred rocks is significantly smaller than the rest. My flock is just over a month old and we have a few different breeds. She eats, drinks and roosts just like the others but she is so small. Any ideas why?
One always has to be the smallest.

How many other Barred Rocks do you have in this mixed flock? Did you buy them as an assortment, or specific breeds? There are other breeds that are barred/cuckoo, and there are bantam Barred Rocks.
We have 17 chickens. 5 austrolorps, 3 barred, 3 rhode island reds, 3 amerucana and 3 white leghorns. We also have 4 ducks. We got all of them at the feed store.
If there are no observable health issues with your Barred Rock, there is probably nothing wrong with it. As ChickensAreSweet indicated, in any species of animal you can get a runt.
I believe I have a run as well although I don't have others to compare her to. I purchased 4 Americanas (so I thought) that are now 10 weeks old. I now believe they are Easter Eggers. 10 days later I bought a Barred Rock and a RIR. Today the RIR (at just over 8 week) is as big as the EE's and the Barred Rock is so much smaller. SHe is healthy, but seems to be the runt. My concern is when its time to combine them with my 4 Orpington hens, she will be picked on.

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