To many males


Mar 26, 2015
So I was out in the dark catching ducks with a net.I have about 20 and over half are drakes.
One broke his leg while I was trying to catch him.I felt so terrible

I had to go in and get my son and have him put the poor thing down.
I have to take them to the sale tomorrow as they are just to abusive to the females with that many males.

This is the bad part of owning ducks and chickens,having to cull.
That's sad! I'm sorry, it is horrible to have to cull them. Especially the ducks. The chickens a raise some for meat every year, and can kill them, but for some reason, i don't butcher ducks unless i have to for things like that. I once had to kill a duckling that broke her hip...she was so small and cute, but i had to be done. It is sad :(

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