First night in coop


9 Years
Jul 23, 2014
Quincy, IL
My babies are 6 weeks old and fully feathered and tonight is their first night in the coop--- I am terrified! :( we placed a heat lamp in there but they are still running around and chirping loudly. I've never heard them this upset before.... Is this normal? I seriously want to spend the night with them but hubby says no:/.
Have they been imprinted on you(imprinting is when the baby chicks view you as their mother)? If they have been imprinted on you, then don't worry, their loud chirping is normal. They are probably chirping because they miss their "mommy". Just make sure they have heat and the coop is secure and safe, and you have nothing to worry about, they just aren't used to being alone in a new place. They will get used to it. Hope this helped!:)
Yes- imprinting has occurred :D. They run to me when scared so that actually makes sense. Coop is Fort Knox so they should be safe.... Seriously hard to just let them grow up!

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