Sabastopol baby not eating


Apr 26, 2015
We hatched a Sebastopol 2 weeks ago and it was doing fine until yesterday when it stopped eating. It is drinking a lot of water, just not eating any food. Also last night it seemed to have what appeared to be a seizure (head jerking, leg muscle rigidity, unable to stand ) which lasted about 20 minutes but has been fine since. Any suggestions?
We hatched a Sebastopol 2 weeks ago and it was doing fine until yesterday when it stopped eating. It is drinking a lot of water, just not eating any food. Also last night it seemed to have what appeared to be a seizure (head jerking, leg muscle rigidity, unable to stand ) which lasted about 20 minutes but has been fine since. Any suggestions?

You need to start your gosling on some niacin supplements "plain "not time released or flush free. 100-150 megs crushed and added to 1 gal of water .I usually recc Brewers yeast but since the gosling isn't eating and is drinking get niacin and it needs it ASAP. Niacin dif is comon in water fowl that are fed chick starter it hasn't the niacin in it that water fowl need and they can have neurological and leg issues from lack of it. But once started on it usually bounce back in less than a week. They will need to stay on this till 10 weeks.

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