Why do my chickens "purr"?


Mar 30, 2015
Happy easter :)
When I stand out side my coop and look in aty chickens or stair at my chickens they make a purring sound. I've read other threads here and that means they are content but it seems like they do that when they are nervous or comfused?

Also: I would like to know a little of chicke language to "talk" to my chickens. I know that sounds weird but I've seen whole websites on how to talk to your chickens. Some examples are(things I want to know how to say to my chickens)... Hi, come here there's food and I'm happy.
I think you are talking about the slow, low, quiet cluck, that sounds more like a moan than a purr. I believe it is a nervous reaction, since they often give me the cautious eye while they make that sound. It could also be interpreted as cautious curiosity.
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Thanks! Yes that is what I am talking about.
I was thinking the exact same thing.
They also make this squeaky sound when I come to the coop while they're alsleep and I step on a stick or make voice-so pretty much if I sneak up on them they make a squeaky sound, do you know what that means?
Thanks again!
I agree that the "purring" sound means "there's a threat so keep your heads up" to the rest of the flock. Mine do it when they hear the squirrels making alarm calls.
Brought our two chickens inside due to toxic air conditions from wildfire smoke... They're in a cage and the one keeps purring with a stone cold glance that doesn't move and is very still. The other looks stunned when the purring is happening. For our birds, this definitely isn't contentment but nervousness or caution.
Brought our two chickens inside due to toxic air conditions from wildfire smoke... They're in a cage and the one keeps purring with a stone cold glance that doesn't move and is very still. The other looks stunned when the purring is happening. For our birds, this definitely isn't contentment but nervousness or caution.

It's 'warning' for sure. Good luck with the smoke, and hopefully some LIGHT rain is on the way. I am concerned with what will happen when major rains start. Be safe.

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