I would rather clean the chicken coop than ...


8 Years
Dec 9, 2014
Bakersfield California
So today I decided to clean up my run & coop. I raked all the shavings & hay to the middle in a big pile, put down some PDZ, brought in a big pail of dirt for bathing purposes, cleaned out the feeders & waterers, raised one of my waterers, raked the dirt in front of the coop/run, sprayed the area with H20 + the run, turned on the fans & sat for 15 minutes enjoying chicken TV. Here's what I should have done: cleaned cat boxes, unloaded dishwasher, about 5 loads of laundry, vacumned, made my grocery list, & started cleaning out my closet. Anybody else avoid inside chores for chicken time?
I'd rather clean my chickens than a cat litter box. Heck, I'd do anything to avoid a cat litter box.
I love how nosy the chickens get when I am cleaning. They all have to inspect and assure I'm doing things right.
I left a lot of hay in a pile. They thought they won the lottery! Oh, and when I moved the pavers under the water, the got to eat some juicy bugs. I could hardly rake - they were so in my way!

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