Hen with spurs

I have seven-6 week old chicks of various types and while I have been hoping for pullets, I have found most have little bumps on the backs of their legs. Are spur bumps this early are sure sign of a cockerel? Any chance they may still be pullets?
Those are called spur buds, and all chicks have them. Some males never grow spurs, and some hens will. It's not a reliable way to assess gender.
At 6 to 8 weeks old, there is usually a noticeable difference in comb development in cockerels, and their coloring begins to get more patchy.
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I have a couple hens with spurs as well.
Glad this topic is here. Last night hubby told me that my only straight run chick was a roo. I told him no I already told you. He says yes cause she has spur bumps
she is suppose to be a black sexlink. But she acts like a hen then a roo I think. So I just messaged him and said well if she is a he then I have a flock of roosters all out of the pullet bin.
she the large solid black.
Glad this topic is here. Last night hubby told me that my only straight run chick was a roo. I told him no I already told you. He says yes cause she has spur bumps she is suppose to be a black sexlink. But she acts like a hen then a roo I think. So I just messaged him and said well if she is a he then I have a flock of roosters all out of the pullet bin. she the large solid black.
All chicks have spur buds. It's not an indication of gender. The chick in question is not a black sexlink, though. With that white skin on the bottoms of the feet, it's probably an Australorp. And with that red comb, it's definitely a cockerel.

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