What did this ?

kriminal chicks

7 Years
Apr 7, 2012
Has anyone experienced Raccoons killing multiple hens and not eating them? Something took 3 bantams from inside the fenced run, that includes roof as well. Soil is too hard to dig and no evidence anyway. Whatever it was pushed in fencing in roof cut to fit around the trunks of a huge grape vine. It pushed out the same way. It dropped the carcasses right where it popped thru the hardware cloth roof, ate most of one, part of another and killed and dissected the last but didn't eat from it. The killer was strong to push thru the 4"x2" opening in the hardware cloth while holding a chicken and climbing 7' to get out. I'm ****** and very sad. One was a 16 yr. old Mille fleur rooster, another a little hen sitting her first clutch of eggs and last my tiny red Cochin hen of 12 years. I will miss them all.
Set the box traps. It may very well be a female coon teaching and feeding her young. Whatever it is, it will return. Good luck.
X2. I would also add a game camera and hot wire. So sorry for your loss. I have absolutely no tolerance for raccoons. If you live trap, please use extreme prejudice and don't drive it a good distance away and release it to become somebody else's killer.
I appreciate your feedback. In the past extreme prejudice has been practiced with coons and possums. I also have a big Bull Terrier who intercedes when ever she can. Big varmint or small she makes them wish they met me first!
Thanks for reminding me. I will put it out with some canned cat food and hope to catch it. Good reminder!

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