2 Bleeding Chicks! Help Please!!


Jun 9, 2015
The California Coast
Hi all,
I just discovered that 2 of my five week old chicks are bleeding! The blood patch on both chicks is very small and is right in between their nostrils, the wounds is almost identical on both chicks. I think that it is pretty obvious that the wounds are from bullying, as I have seen them in skirmishes before. The wounds don't look too severe, but I am scared that the blood will attract other chicks. I have heard of chicks that have been pecked to death, and I am getting rather frightened. I have read that I am supposed to separate any wounded birds, but it breaks my heart to think of them alone and I don't have the supplies to separate them. If separation is the only option then I'll do it, but is there anything I could do to just cover the blood?
As far as the wounds all I have done is put corn starch on them, but it just rubs off...
Is there anything I should put in the wounds to make them heal faster? Is solitary confinement my only option?
They have been separated into a cardboard box with a divider in it. They are so lonely and are peeping like crazy.

They have little dishes for food and water. It is time for bed so hopefully the darkness will put them to sleep soon. Poor lonely girls! :'(
Welcome to BYC!

For help with the injuries, you can post on the emergency forum:

While your little chicks are recovering in their isolation areas, you might try putting a small stuffed animal in with them and a non-breakable mirror. Hopefully they won't be alone for long.

Good luck with your birds. It's nice to have you here!
I think the one or one's that need to be removed from the group are the chicks that are doing the damage as it will only get worse not better ........
X2 - better to separate the bully.

Make sure the divider is see through, if they can see each other they will be less stressed.
Thanks for all of the help! I don't know who the bully is, as all of them fight each other. I have seen every bird pick a fight, and I didn't see the fight that caused the injuries.

I wish that I had had more options for the separation area, but all I could find was a large cardboard box. They can only hear each other, not see each other. It was late when I saw the cuts, so the box was my only option in the moment. I hope to purchase a wire dog crate today to use instead.

I have placed 2 stuffies with both birds in hopes of comfort. However, I have not added a mirror. That's a great idea! I'll see if I can find a couple of pocket mirrors laying around.

Ok I'm going to go the the emergency forum now! Thank you three for your advice!!

Thanks all! I found a wire dog crate on clearance at Petco today, and I took the deal home with me. I used a piece of tarp to separate the crate into two sections, one for each chick. They are so much more happy I can't even tell you! My brooder is in a guest shower with a glass door, so I put the wire crate in front of it so that the two injured girls can see the other birds. They are much more happy and way less frantic. I am happy to have the cage in case I get a broody hen or another injured girl in the future! Things are running much more smoothly, thanks for the help!

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