Dead hen - broken neck?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Feb 19, 2014
Austin, Texas
Found one of my EE hens dead in the pen yesterday. One year old. Not a mark on her and I had not noticed any signs of illness. It's been hot here but really not bad at all compared to most summers. I'm wondering if her neck was broken because the body was in rigor but her neck was extremely floppy. My hens get the skitters sometimes like cats do who go racing through the house for no reason. So she could have taken a sudden running flight and smacked into the fence, or roost, or something else in the pen. But I know they just drop dead sometimes. Had one do that last year in the coop.
I'm sorry to hear that.

It certainly could be a broken neck, I had a chicken that we are pretty sure ran into the wall while jumping off his perch. However, I think a lot of chickens that die keep a floppy neck, even if it isn't broken (as I've unfortunately had the experience with).
It could also be that she was egg bound as well.

I hope the others say healthy and safe. Best of luck!
That's what I was wondering, if the neck could be floppy regardless of reason for the death. I don't think it was anything that would affect the other birds. If I didn't have so many other things to attend to, I could do a necropsy. But I think curiosity will have to go unfulfilled in this case.
Hi - did you find anything out? I just found a silver laced wyandotte dead in the corner of the coop. Sounds exactly like your experience. She was on her belly but her head was all the way underneath her and her wings were partially spread out. The head was so far underneath her, for a minute I couldn't find it. . She was starting to stiffen but her neck was really floppy. No sign of any injury at all - no blood, nothing.

My coop leads into a small run which leads into a bigger fenced run. I wonder if she got freaked by something and just smacked into something.

She was fine this morning - chasing around and picking on a new chicken that I was trying to introduce to the flock. Hmmmm…. maybe it was chicken Karma.
Hi - did you find anything out? I just found a silver laced wyandotte dead in the corner of the coop. Sounds exactly like your experience. She was on her belly but her head was all the way underneath her and her wings were partially spread out. The head was so far underneath her, for a minute I couldn't find it. . She was starting to stiffen but her neck was really floppy. No sign of any injury at all - no blood, nothing.

My coop leads into a small run which leads into a bigger fenced run. I wonder if she got freaked by something and just smacked into something.

She was fine this morning - chasing around and picking on a new chicken that I was trying to introduce to the flock. Hmmmm…. maybe it was chicken Karma.

I'm sorry to hear that.
I'm pretty sure I lost a chicken, Spades, to running into a cement wall.

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