why don't people like poached eggs?

I sympathies, and it's not just line cooks it's any cook that has to make them for a customer...

I don't have much 'line cook' experience but I do have some and I feel for all line cooks not a job I would want... What I do have experience with is working as a chef/cook for the Marriott corporation and doing a lot of fancy banquet style meals... One popular breakfast/luncheon menu item was eggs Benedict, and what a royal pain in the butt it was, we always had one chef/cook dedicated full time to making the poached eggs, and at the end of the day you end up tossing as many away as you served based on looks alone a royal pain...
Don't get me started on eggs Benedict! Poached eggs + Hollandaise breaking, what a nightmare!
Don't get me started on eggs Benedict! Poached eggs + Hollandaise breaking, what a nightmare!
Ooh, but tasty!

(Spoken by someone that's never had to make it, just likes to eat it, lol)
One of our newest breakfast "inventions" has been dicing potatoes into little cubes, fry them up with some onion and a bit of diced ham. Spoon that hash into a bowl and top with a poached egg. Ahh, so good and creamy. Makes a fantastic breakfast!

We love eggs all ways too. Poached are definitely the most difficult to get right, that's probably why I don't make them more often.

If you have leftover mashed potatoes, you can mix them together with an egg or two and add some onion powder and make them into patties. Fry them in butter or bacon grease till they're as crispy as you want them, then top them with a fried or poached egg. Yummm...
A poached egg is basically a boiled egg but you cook it without the shell on. It tastes the same and you don't have to peel it. I am wondering why hardly anyone seems to do this? Is it because the eggs don't stay perfectly round? Have people just never heard of it?
Curiously waiting your responses...

We have a 4-egg poacher and are thinking about buying a 6-egg one. We cook for 6 minutes after the water starts to simmer. I prefer it to fried or boiled.

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