Anyone keep chickens as pets??

My girls just started laying yesterday so this is a few years down the road yet for me. When they start tapering off on laying, I'll probably get a permit from the city to exceed my current limit (5 without a permit; I have 4 right now) so the young'uns can pick up the slack. They're honestly pets to me, and keeping egg production regular will mostly be an excuse to get more chickens.

You are so right, it is hard to not get more chickens when they slow down. I am going to be looking into some Blue Orphingtons next spring to pick up
some of the slack from my Buff Orphingtons. It is a great excuse to get more chicks.

Mine are pets, when I got them I did not have any intention of eating them, or killing them unless I had to for the sake of a sick bird.
So far nature has just run its corse and killed those that were sick before I had the chance to, I am so thankful for that.

So glad to know that I am not alone in keeping them as pets. Ppl always ask what I am going to do after they stop laying. I respond
let them go into hentirement. Basically let them hunt a pack in my gardens all they want and make me rich compost for my gardens.

Ppl think that chickens are only good for laying eggs, than after that you have to more on. Not so in my opinion.

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